Dustin R. Mothersbaugh
Recent news
Caricatures at the Daum Museum of Contemporary Art
photograph courtesy of John Hansen/ Sedaila Democrat, May 12th, 2013.
The fourth annual "Bring Your Mom To The Daum", established on Mother's Day, invited Dustin R. Mothersbaugh to provide the caricatures this year. "Roughly twenty five caricatures were completed in two hours" Mothersbaugh said. "That's very exciting and I was more than happy to be of service to one of the gems of home in the mid-west". You can read more about the event on Sedalia Democrat's website or see more of the B.Y.M.T.T.D's other events on this link:
http://www.sedaliademocrat.com/entertainment/article_42b10b3c-bb4d-11e2 bc22-001a4bcf 6878 .html?mode=im age&photo=1
SVAA Exhibition, December 2012
Opening Reception: December 14th. Photograph courtesy of Nathan Naylor Photography.
The youth of the Sedalia Visual Arts Association, Sedalia, Missouri, put together a couple of exhibitions in 2012: October and December. Artists who exhibited and attended the event at the Liberty Center included: Phillip Tindell, Lexie Holloway, Dane Stilfield, Dustin R. Mothersbaugh, Matt Soda Potter, Dylan Mize, Katherine Arft, Damon Freed, Nichole Brenner, and Dustin Schmidt. More news on upcoming SVAA shows and events coming soon.
SVAA Exhibition at the Daum Museum of Contemporary Art June 20th - August 18th, 2013
photograph courtesy of Daum Museum; image: "Scott Linsenbardt, 1965", ink on illustrastion board, 30 x 19", 2013.
"In their second theme-related exhibition at the Daum, members of the Sedalia Visual Art Association take on the subject of self-representation. The resulting exhibition includes traditional self-portraits as well as more conceptual statements that make use of allegory, memory, abstraction, and symbolism. Selections range from paintings and watercolors, drawings and photographs, to sculptural objects in ceramic, fiber, and mixed media." - Daum Museum
Artists exhibiting include: Matt Soda Potter, Victoria Weaver, Maren Schenewark, Matt Clouse, Dylan Mize, Katherine Arft, Scott Linsenbardt, Marlese Wise, Sylvia Thompson, Barbara Cooney, Linda Hoover, and Dustin R. Mothersbaugh.
The Missouri Top 50 Exhibition, 2013
Dustin R. Mothersbaugh with two pieces and one placing winner at the MO Top 50 Exhibition, 2013. [Photo by Kristin Mothersbaugh]
Awarded winners at MO Top 50 Exhibition, 2013. LEFT TO RIGHT: Stacy Embry, Steve Gorman, Dustin R. Mothersbaugh, Lauren Seider, Matthew Rahner, juror Hesse McGraw, and Ashley Lewis Shane
The MO Top 50 at the Missouri State Fair, funded by the Missouri Arts Council, hosted their awards and opening exhibition on August 7th, 2013 with the judge Hesse McGraw of San Francisco.
The State Fair Community College President's purchase award went to Stacy Embry for her piece, "Eldon". The four recipients of top honors for the exhibition included: a friend, a fantastic ceramicist, Steve Gorman, for his piece, "Whopper"; Lauren Seider for her painting, "Self by Lauren Seider", a KCAI student; Matt Rahner for his photographic piece, "The Hadley Brothers", an MU graduate student.
Mothersbaugh recieved a top honor for his painting, "The Holdup". It was very unexpected and a true honor to be up there with so many other talented artists.
Beyond the Nuclear: BFA Show Reception
Beyond the Nuclear is the most recent full body of work Mothersbaugh has completed after a decade of academic studies and experiments in the studio art discipline of painting which began at State Fair Community College in Sedalia, Missouri, and continued after transferring to the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg. Dustin invited a small group of family and friends on November 23rd, 2013 and gave a talk on the series, discussing his formal aesthetics as well as the differential missions of his most recent outpourings in this body of work that can be described as a fusion of the very "personal" and an appealing broadness for political magnitude. Mothersbaugh's show, Beyond the Nuclear: Works About the Family Construct [2007-2013], was installed in Gallery 115 in the UCM Gallery of Art & Design alongside 14 other artists graduating in December, 2013.
MO Top 50 Exhibition, MO State Fair 2014
Dustin's mother Ginny accepted the award on his behalf when he placed in the Top 50 Exhibition at the Missouri State Fair this year. "Carving the Turkey" was well received by not only the generous juror Adam Price, but was part of major discussion from others about the lack of time spent with family during post-modern era American holidays.