Dustin R. Mothersbaugh
Self Portrait2012 | Woman & Child2012 | Miranda #12012 |
Girl and Fire Hydrant Ghost2012 | Truck #32012 | Fly2012 |
Instigation2012 | Photogram #12012 | Photogram #22012 |
Academic Portfolio, 2012.
Politics, Corporate-Government Whoring, Lobbying, P. C., Silence of the Majority, Career Politicans, Forget Checks 'N' Balances, the Constitutional Crisis, & The End of American Exceptionalism. 2014.
"The title speaks for itself. Fix the problem and these symptoms go away. You will have it made. If we all stand together on principle, on substance, it will work. We are so divided by our leaders, people who couldn't find the way out of a plastic bag. If we do not succeed, we will be reminded what progressive government does and how nasty the fairy tale ends. We are being led to a great humbling, one we desperately need. We must do what is the right thing over what we want for our political team. Then and only then will we succeed in the restoration of the human spirit and what made this country savy, just, and moral in the first place." -Dustin R. Mothersbaugh, 2014. - ---